What is Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence issues have risen to prominence in the past 15 years but never more so than in recent times.
Slade Waterhouse Lawyers have been a State Sponsor for the Rosy Batty National Roadshow in the past because our lawyers acted for applicants and respondents, both men and women, in a large number of domestic violence protection order applications across many of the Magistrates Courts in Queensland over many years.
We are adept at negotiating the terms of Domestic Violence Protection Orders where they are warranted and we have and will continue to take matters to trial where the allegations are false or are outweigh weighed in the case of domestic violence going both ways in a relationship.
If you would like to read more about Domestic Violence, or if you are experiencing domestic or family violence, there are a number of online and telephone support services available, including Womensline, Mensline and the Sexual Assault Helpline.
For quality legal advice and assistance in matters relating to a Domestic Violence Protection Order, call Slade Waterhouse Lawyers in Brisbane on (07) 3839 9834 and find out how our experienced legal team can help you today.